General meeting minutes: 1/29/2019

The following are minutes from the general project meeting on Tuesday, January 29, 2019.

All documents for The WordPress Governance Project can be accessed on the project’s Google Drive.

Props: Morten Rand-Hendriksen and Cathi Bosco.


  1. Minutes from the last meeting etc…
  2. Appointing meeting leader & secretary for this meeting
  3. Team reps for different sub-groups
  4. Reports from sub-groups by team reps
  5. Agenda items for next meeting
  6. Open floor


  • The minutes from last week’s meeting (January 22nd) has been posted on the site. Please submit any amendments to the minutes in the comments.
  • Morten Rand-Hendriksen volunteers to run the meeting and Cathi Bosco volunteers to take notes for this meeting today.
  • At the last meeting each sub group was mandated with picking team leads, secretaries, and a regular meeting time to be reported in the General meeting today. When asked if any representatives from the different sub-groups present today who can share the results from their group so far: Yes, for Internal-Gov: And roles: Facilitators: @Morten Rand-Hendriksen, @Cathi Bosco, @Joe Hills, @robin.scott Secretary: @Rian Kinney, Esq., @AlexSirota
  • Sé Reed repots #wp-research-gov was very quiet and is still getting everyone’s attention to get a meeting together.
  • Rian Kinney volunteers to be Secretary for next General meeting,
  • Considering the short notice, lack of meeting announcement, etc Morten Rand-Hendriksen proposed we extend the task of appointing reps and picking meeting times etc by a week to be reported in the General meeting one week from now (Tuesday February 5th). Morten Rand-Hendriksen also proposed we move 4. Reports from sub-groups by team reps to next meeting
  • Morten Rand-Hendriksen moves attention to “Agenda items for next week.” Sé Reed suggests timeline and milestones and the low representation in #group-presentation moves the conversation to the Open Floor to discuss lack of activity, communication, task definitions, and recruitment
  • Raffaella Isidori will connect people in the presentation group and is leading the effort of getting the structure’s draft ready for the next meeting.
  • There are people wanting to take part but unsure where to put their efforts. Morten Rand-Hendriksen proposed that someone (can be an individual or a group of people) from each group put together a goals and tasks document for consideration. Example:
    • Goal: Document the existing governance structures in official Make groups
    • Tasks:
      • Make list of make groups
      • Find contact person for each group
      • Research official (posted) governance / leadership documentation for each group
  • Creating action items like this makes it easier for people to jump in.
  • And set up some Drive docs / sheets / forms for participants to fill in so the data is collected in a central repository Note: The Drive folder should be open and to move things forward anyone can propose a goals and actions list, and then people can chime in. It’ll be a good way to get engagement, and then the facilitator conversation can be bolted onto that conversation.
  • Volunteers are needed to take on the task of approaching each sub-group about getting this done over the next 7 days
  • Sé Reed volunteers to do so for #research-wp-gov.
  • Morten Rand-Hendriksen volunteers to do so for #group-internal-gov.
  • James Nylen recommends it would be helpful to put more informative channel topics/purposes in the individual channels and Morten will follow through.
  • Pat Lockley recommends it might be handy if someone with @ channel privileges could send a message to each channel re group roles and so on and Morten will follow through.
  • Jeffrey Paul recommends @ channel for kicking off meetings too as it helps to get that notification reminder. Morten also points to the calendar: Once meeting times are agreed upon for sub-groups, they’ll go in the joint calendar.
  • Joe Hills asks if we have done a general call for feedback from the WordPress community? If we have a form for that, to float it through his local meetup group, because even if folks don’t have the time or energy to participate in something like this in general, it might be nice to know what their concerns are. We may have done something like that, but it’s now closed, is the feedback somewhere we can read and parse them.

Action Items

  • Each working group to elect facilitators and secretaries.
  • Representatives from each group to create group goals and action items + associated documents to get work started.

Next General meeting

Tuesday February 5th. Refer to the joint calendar for all meeting schedules.