The following are minutes from the general project meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 2019.
All documents for The WordPress Governance Project can be accessed on the project’s Google Drive.
Props: Rachel Cherry and Pat Lockley
- Review of Personas/Scenarios/Stakeholders document
- Follow-up to working session on existing internal governance
- Review of project communication document
- Discussion of project tasks and timeline
- Reviewed the Personas/Scenarios/Stakeholders document
- Thank you to Cathi Bosco for your work
- Discussed adding comparables to personas.
- Need to complete persona examples
- Reviewed the document on existing WordPress governance
- Asked group to share blog post regarding questions about existing WordPress governance
- Reviewed the project communication document
- Discussion focused on the document’s timeline
- Discussed the overall project timeline
- Discussed widening the group to include people working in open source and non-profit governance
- Discussed how to kick start the two research groups
- Discussed the need for, and created, a research template for assessing governance systems
Action Items
- Finalize personas document
- Complete examples for 3 new personas
- Add comparables to personas
- Work on research template for assessing governance systems