General meeting minutes: 03/05/2019

The following are minutes from the general project meeting on Tuesday, March 05, 2019.

All documents for The WordPress Governance Project can be accessed on the project’s Google Drive.

Props: Pat Lockley and Morten Rand-Hendriksen


  1. Minutes from last meeting
  2. Meeting facilitator and secretary
  3. Personas document
  4. Form for researching governance models
  5. Recruitment to do research (who takes what model, etc)
  6. 5.0 release retrospective
  7. Open floor


  • Review of Identifying the Stakeholders of WordPress document rollout.
    • The document has been picked up by some WordPress people and Post Status sparking discussion.
    • The group discussed adding further personas to the document. Hosting Companies and Publishers were among the suggested items. Discussion continues #group-communication.
  • Pat Lockley has finalized the research form for investigating governance models. This form will be used to gather consistent data about relevant governance models.
  • Review of the Relevant Governance Models spreadsheet
    • The above mentioned form should be used to gather data about each of the models featured in this sheet.
    • Some discussion of how best to do the work, and avoid burn out and so on. Proposal: Each team member takes on one (1) model.
    • Further recruitment is necessary to complete this work.
    • A blog post will be written for recruitment purposes.
    • Non-software models are welcome to be added to the sheet
    • Justin M suggested doing video interviews with people who work on governance projects. Morten suggested this as part of phase 2.
    • A timeline was proposed:
      • Get all models in spreadsheet claimed by next Tuesday (March 12)
      • Finish filling out the form for each model by the following Tuesday (March 19)
      • Discussion about marking models for “need more time” and “not sufficient info”
      • Discussion of post-research triage for further deep-dives.
  • Morten suggested everyone take part in the WordPress 5.0 Release Retrospective.
  • Pat L suggested a twitter account
  • Alex S suggested capping meeting agenda items to allow time for discussion. Morten agreed to limiting, if it was possible
  • Raffaella and Morten discussed the purpose and goal of the communication document, agreed it was
  • Morten said that it was a backbone and research would help to create content for it
  • Morten closed the meeting

Action items

  • Justin M to create publishers personas.
  • Everyone share Identifying the Stakeholders of WordPress document and ask for feedback.
  • Everyone claim a research model by next week (March 12) and fill out the form by the week thereafter (March 19).
  • Morten to write blog post as outreach to the wider WordPress and Open Source community to get input, reviewers, and other interested parties involved in governance model research.
  • Morten to look into getting a twitter account. Name suggestions welcome.